Breathe Easy

Take the time to notice your breath.  Is it fast? Is it heavy? Is it slow? Is it hard? Take a deep inhalation in and a deep exhalation out.  Take the time to notice and be aware and present in your current breath.  Use it to help you in situations where you are mad, upset, angry, stressed or exhausted.  Fill up your lungs with a long breath and release the air with a long breath out.  This will help you centre yourself and get you back to a relaxed calm state.  

There are moments in life where we lose track of our breath and suddenly we become panicked and hyperventilation kicks in.  Be aware of your breath and allow your body to calm you and release you back to a normal state.  It may take you a few try’s but eventually your breath will be softer, lighter and your body and mind will become relaxed with it. 

"Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts."
Thich Nhat Hanh


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