Those Moments

You can see it in your child’s eyes, the way they try to explain something to you and you think to yourself “what an amazing creature I have created.” The moment right before he proposes to you, asks you to go to prom, your first date, a trip you took with your girlfriends, or simply the glass of wine you had with a friend.  Those moments take them, eat them up and embrace them.  They may not happen every single hour of the day but when they do happen an amazing happiness consumes your whole body, shivers up and down your spine and tears of gratefulness envelop your eyes.  These moments are the moments you need to hold onto.  These are the moments you treasure.

Every person needs a reminder of these moments.  If you’re having a bad day, grumpy, miserable, sad, lonely whatever emotion has engulfed you pick one of your moments read it over and over until you feel that gratefulness all over again.  Create a list of these moments to remind yourself and to change your attitude. 

“We don’t remember days, we remember moments.” Cesare Pavese


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