What went wrong?

It's the end of the day and you're exhausted, work isn't as awesome as it used to be, your family is pulling you in a million and one directions, you've sat down and your dinner is cold and suddenly it dawns on you, what went wrong? How did I get here? Why is my life so difficult than others? How come everyone else isn't living paycheck to paycheck like I am? Why can't things just for once be easy for me?
The negative talk.  We've all been there and we've all had those days.  Except what if it just wasn't just today that you've experienced this? What if for the past six months this is you every single day? It is so easy for us all to get caught up in what we don't have and what we are lacking in our lives.  So much easier for us to down talk and be negative about everything instead of finding the good in the bad.  So what really went wrong here?

I get it. For sure there are days where we all struggle but if it has become a daily thing for you perhaps it's time to reevaluate and look within.  Let's use the grocery store for an example.  You're in a hurry, you have 15 minutes to get what you need and get out.  You cannot seem to find a parking space, in fact the person in front of you just took the space you've been eyeing.  You finally park and get out of your car and you head into the store.  You've ran like a maniac through the aisles and are ready for check out.  How the heck did the line up become so large? Why is the person in front of you using this time to price check EVERY SINGLE ITEM?  A 15 minute grocery shop has now turned in to a 45 minute trip and you're even later than expected.  You're panicking and getting very angry.  Now the light turned red.  Seriously why did the person driving in front of you decide to break for a yellow light when they had ample opportunity to make it? Now you're even more angry and you've just realized you've forgotten 4 items you needed for tonight's dinner party.

Sounds like a mess right? Sounds like from here on out everything is going to be messed up and nothing is going to go right for you tonight.  Where did it all go wrong? How did you end up like this?

Let's break it down.  Honestly, when traffic is heavy there is a reason for it.  Maybe there is an accident or maybe an accident is about to happen but you're stuck in traffic because the universe has given you the opportunity to miss the accident.  Maybe the line up in the store is everyone else doing the exact same thing you are; trying to rush home to get dinner ready for your company.  Maybe the woman in front of you at the check out line is price checking every single item because she only has $75 worth of grocery money to feed her family of five.  Did you ever for once stop and think that everything is happening for a reason? Did you ever stop to evaluate what is truly going on?

The more negative you become the more negativity finds you.  You've heard the saying misery loves company right? You're also familiar with the saying glass half empty or glass half full? Let's start to break down our lives, yes, OUR lives and start thinking about what we do have vs. what we don't have.  Let us start being thankful for the few dollars we do have for groceries as opposed to how little we have.  Let us start believing that the line up on the highway was the universe's way of saying it's not your time yet. 

It is so easy for us to get caught up in what went wrong instead of seeing what went right.  If you start to change the way of your thinking eventually you're going to change the way you're living.  Suddenly you're seeing the bright side on a dark gloomy day.  You are responsible for the way you act, react and live.  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE.  No one else is responsible for you except for you. 

Are you a glass half empty kind of person? Or are you a glass half full in the making?



  1. Excellent perspective to look at life through..... thank you for sharing that, looking
    forward to joining your classes at Float Barrie once I've recuperated from a recent hip replacement.

    1. Hi there I am so very sorry for not seeing this message earlier! Thank you so much and hope you are recuperating well and taking time for you! Hope to see you on your mat soon!


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