I Choose

I choose to be a leader, not a follower

I choose to be bold instead of boring
I choose health over sickness
I choose love over lust
I choose happiness over depression
I choose youth over aging
I choose healthy eating, not starvation
I choose mistakes over perfection
I choose loyalty, not deception
I choose belief over nothing
I choose empowerment over permission
Life is all about choices.  You choose to wake up in the morning, to brush your teeth, which outfit you will wear, what career opportunity you want, what restaurant you will dine in, what house you will live in, which partner you will live with…so many choices and it’s all big, medium and small.  There is a road and a journey for you to choose each steps of the way whether it is to create your own book or to live your own destination.  What will you choose, to rewrite history or to choose mediocrity? Are you going to live like everyone else or start living like you want to? Are you waiting for tomorrow? You choose.  Choose wisely, choose with your heart. 

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. –Napoleon Hill”


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