Answer Your Excuses

Nothing is more annoying than having plans set up and the person you have made plans with has come up with a lowsy excuse to get out of your plans.  Instead of being completely honest and saying “I am too tired” or “I need a me day” they make up an excuse that you know and they know that they’ve lied. 

I get it, we all make plans and want to back out of them once in a while but the question is why are you making these plans if you know deep down you really aren’t going to make it? Why set yourself up in order to just essentially fail?
Maybe the real question is why are you making an excuse or what is your excuse this time? Answer your excuses, be real, and be honest.  Your friend isn’t going to be angry with you if you are completely honest and say “I really don’t have any interest in doing that” or “I honestly don’t want to.”
Apply this to your everyday life not just plans with friends but in regards to work, love, financial situations, etc.  If you really want to find a new job then answer your excuse as to why you haven’t applied for one.  If you want to go on a trip book it.  Stop making excuses and start answering the realism behind them. 
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”  Dr. Seuss


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