Setbacks and You

Things happen.  Plans change, friendships shift, setbacks happen, life throws something at you that you're not quite ready for, things happen.  Don't take this as a sign from the universe take it as it is and don't give up.  Come up with a backup plan make things happen even when it doesn't seem possible.  You're only hurting yourself if you let life get in the way and bring you down.  Everyone is normal and everyone has excuses so look at where your excuses are coming from and re-evaluate them as your own.  What is it that you can do to fix this situation? What is it that you can do so that this doesn't happen again? What are your goals and what can you do to make sure you fulfill them? Learn from these setbacks or minor eruptions in life and make things work. 

Life would be incredibly boring if we snapped our fingers and suddenly got everything we have ever wanted.  You'd be bored within days because there would be nothing for you to essentially work for or live for.  Challenge yourself with these setbacks and make them into something great.  Turn them into a reminder that you constantly have to work for what you want in life.  Don't let a setback hold you from the rest of your life.  Learn from it and move forward.  Figure out your next move. 

"First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end."–Aristotle


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