Live Large, Dream Big

Of course we all have those days, the days where we have the most incredible idea of which path we want to choose and which way our life journey may be headed.  Suddenly, as we've received that big high of excitement there it comes, that big cloud of doubt hoarding over and ruining our parade.  Suddenly it shifted and now we become fearful, doubting, anxious and sad.
It's so hard to keep positive and believing in yourself when our world around us is simply negative and full of Debbie Downers.  Take a deep breath and remember, you can be whatever you choose, you will be whatever you want to be and it is as easy as you want it to be. Take those huge dreams and make them reality.  There is no such thing as an unrealistic goal.

So make your choice, believe fully in yourself even when others around you may think you've completely lost your marbles, believe.  Take the time to educate yourself by reading and allowing yourself to grow as an individual but also taking the time to allowing yourself to completely head over heals be in love with your life.  Be in love with what you want out of it.  Be in love with the ideas that you can be and will be whatever you choose.  The trick is, you need to really want to have it to achieve it. 

I know sometimes it is hard and sometimes negativity and life get in your way, it's gotten in mine.  That is where writing comes in handy.  Whether it is a journal or a blog writing simply makes me feel it out and makes me believe.  So find your thing and allow it to be your area to go to when you're feeling doubtful and feeling defeated.  Don't sit there and be those feelings, be more, be the person you want to be because you deserve the life you want to have.  It's yours, you just need to feel it and believe it.

 “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs.  Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go and do that.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Unknown


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