Be a Doer Not a Say'r

Everyone has a fantasy or a dream they want to fulfill in life but not everyone has the courage or strength to just decide it's no longer a dream and that they want it to become their reality.  I get it, life is scary when you throw in change and chase something you've been dying for but for what it's worth, it's worth it!

It doesn't matter how educated you are with degrees or college backgrounds, what matters is what you know now and what you will learn on your way to the top.  Stop worrying about if you're smart enough, brave enough, educated enough and just give it a try.  Be a doer not a say'r.

Don't you want to feel challenged? Don't you want to feel like you've fulfilled something? Don't you want to make sure nothing stops you from chasing your dreams? If it's money you're worried about I get it.  I understand that it's not easy to fork out thousands of dollars to chase your dreams.  Come up with a plan start doing what you want to do with your life.

Create a five year plan.  In your five year plan what is it that you can do in your four year plan to help? How about three years? Narrow it down to a year plan and start with that.  Break it down into months and your impossible suddenly just got possible.

Stop worrying about who thinks you're outrageous or who doesn't see you becoming successful.  None of that matters the only thing that matters is what you believe inside of you.  So, tell me now, are you a doer? Or a say'r?

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” - Goethe


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