The Beauty of Peace
In a world of chaos, glass-half-empty kind of people, negative infused environments and every day tragedies we forget what it is like to find that sweet soft spot of peace. We are so consumed with constant negativity that we cannot remember the feeling of being content with ourselves and our surroundings. We have lost our uttermost important part of our beings; the beauty of peace. We try so hard to connect ourselves with materialistic things that should make us feel at ease and happy. We want larger homes, bigger paychecks, important friendships, the perfect families; but what we continue to bury amongst all of those things is simple peace. Push aside the bullshit in our lives and forget the people who make you feel angry, hurt, disappointed and unimportant. Find that place in your life where you feel at ease with all that surrounds you.
Close your eyes and start to think of all the things that make you happy in your life. Make that the focus of your attention. Make the happiness you feel the most important part of your day. When that peace starts to fade away start remembering your place of happiness. It is then that the chaos, glass-half-empty kind of people, negative infused environments and tragedies start to fade and eventually become extinct. It is then that you will feel the true meaning of peace.
Peace is pure, vibrant, honest, brave, emotional, happy, constant....but exists only when you allow it to.
Close your eyes and start to think of all the things that make you happy in your life. Make that the focus of your attention. Make the happiness you feel the most important part of your day. When that peace starts to fade away start remembering your place of happiness. It is then that the chaos, glass-half-empty kind of people, negative infused environments and tragedies start to fade and eventually become extinct. It is then that you will feel the true meaning of peace.
Peace is pure, vibrant, honest, brave, emotional, happy, constant....but exists only when you allow it to.
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