Purpose. I have often thought of the word but never really considered it in its truest form of context. It came and went in my mind but never really settled into the real meaning, until recently. I have been wracking my brain lately of what the word purpose means to me and what exactly it applies to in my life. I believe we are all put on this earth for some form and reason; that our existence matters and that there is a true meaning for our belonging. There has got to be more to my life than just going to work and paperwork. I have got to be doing something more meaningful than just that. I want to know that at the end of the day I am making a true difference in others lives as well as my own. But what does this word mean to me? Am I listening to the universe when it gives me subtle signs? Do I recognize behavioural patterns and changes when I feel like I am purposeful?
It is so easy to stick to our daily routines and not think twice about where our life is going and what direction we are headed for the future. Are we making the right choices, do we regret choices we have made and is there something better for us. Those are all questions we ask ourselves and possibly never give them their truest answer. I feel as though I have a purpose I just have yet to fulfill it.
Never forget your purpose. Never let anyone interfere with your purpose. Do not let doubt erase your purpose. Most importantly; listen, recognize, adapt, be mindful of what direction the universe is taking you. You wouldn't want to live another 40 years without your purpose.
"noun: purpose; plural noun: purposes
the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists." -Google
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