The Truth About Mother's Day

Social media, television and retail stores have Mother's Day to be made out as this spectacular event; flowers, happy smiling children, mom's who have their feet kicked up and relaxed and extravagant gifts.  The truth of the matter is that none of that really means anything, none of that is truly what matters.
If you ask most moms what their ideal Mother's Day would look like it would be simple, no laundry, no housework, a day off of meal prepping and cooking, a day where you didn't have to listen to arguing and bickering. A day where you could literally do what you want when you wanted.  The truth is, that doesn't always happen.  We don't need the biggest bouquet of flowers, we don't need any new special jewelry, we just need time as mom's to let go of our expectations and to let go and just be. 

I have spent most Mother's Day still being a mom.  Still nurturing, loving and doing the regular mom things.  It's what I signed up for.  Don't get me wrong, I love being a mom but some days I do like being acknowledged that I am a mom.  That I am freaking SUPER mom. I don't need a special card or an expensive gift, what I need most is someone to tell me that I am doing a great job. That what I have been doing the last 8 years I am doing something right.  That when I start to second guess my parenting skills that someone is standing right behind me saying you've got this, great work.  To hug me extra tight when I am feeling like I have disappointed someone.  To let me know that when I discipline my kids it is for a reason and that it is the right reason.  I want someone to hold me when I am feeling exhausted and like I am not doing a great enough job.  

Next time social media, television, radio or what have you puts on this big to do about Mother's Day I want you to remember why we are mom's.  I want you to remember that we are just normal people trying to get by and trying to be the best we can be.  I want you to remember that expensive gifts and flowers are just the icing on the cake, not the thing that matters most. 


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