The Still Points - The In Between
It is those moments in between that are most valuable and important. The parts where we slow right down, we stop and we be. It is those moments, the pause, before your next inhalation and before your next exhalation. Those moments, that pause, the stillness in between is where you should be more of.
The still points, the in between is where we learn truly who we really are. It is there where things come up from our past, it is there where things come up for the now and it is there where things come up for the future. The pause is where we tap into our creative sides, our emotional sides, our dark sides. The still points in between is where we refresh and renew who and where we are. So pause. Take the still points. Pause in between your next breath and be there. Be still, be open, be vulnerable, be loving, be accepting; pause.
Listen to your inner self, what does she want? What does she need? Who is she? She is more than just the busyness and craziness, she is the pause. She is the still points on each in between. She is beautiful there, she is accepting and loving. She is kind to herself as each memory appears and disappears. She is bearable when all she wants to do is be still.
Take a moment today and pause, be the in between and watch yourself as your thoughts come and go. Watch how you internally speak to yourself and watch the world around you disappear. Be in that moment for as much as you can and then when you're ready, take your next breath.
From my heart to yours,
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