Follow Your Heart

Asking yourself what do I want and what does my soul need can be a pretty heavy and loaded question! Some days we need love and kindness, some days we need to pause on the in-between and other days we need our asses kicked! The important part is to make sure you tune into your heart and follow what it needs. 

Follow your heart sounds easy right? Or maybe that sounds like a corny catch phrase from a Disney movie. The point is, following your heart is hands down one of the most important things you can ever do for yourself. Read that last line again following your heart is hands down one of the most important things you can ever do for yourself.

Our heart is always guiding us and nudging us to go after what we want and desire in life. We only have one life and to ignore what you truly are needing is only hurting you in the end. Keeping you from your true potential? Now why on earth would you ever do that for yourself? 

My advice to follow your heart is simple. Start off with a daily practice of turning inwards. Turn your cell phones off, turn off any other distractions and sit with yourself. Quiet your mind and your heart will speak. Sometimes your heart will tell you to slow down and take it easy, sometimes it will tell you to open it up a little more and let people in, other times it will tell you bigger things like go after that career you've always wanted or open up your business and become your own boss! 

You are so important. You matter. Your life matters. Stop treating yourself differently than the way you treat others. In order for you to receive love you need to give love...and yes that means to yourself. By following your heart you are following the desires of God or the Universe. 


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