Not Your Business

Someone once told me that what other people think of you is none of your business. What I didn't realize was that this is something I should have known all along.

Growing up I was constantly worried about what people thought of me; what do my parents think, will they approve? How about my friends, will I fit in? Am I good enough? I got so wrapped up in what other people were thinking of me that I forgot the most important thing of all; what do I think of me?

It has taken me so long to figure out that it doesn't matter what my friends think, my family, my co-workers or neighbors. None of that actually matters at the end of the day. What I think about myself, how I speak to myself and treat myself is all that matters. It is none of my business how others perceive me.

I am a people-pleaser; I like to make sure that everyone around me is happy, taken care of and loved. What I may have neglected is the exact same things for myself. Am I happy? Am I taken care of? Am I loved by me?

We live in a world where we need to gossip, we need to hear what others are saying about us, we need to be better and do better.  At the end of the day no one is as important as you are. No one should judge you but you.

The next time that you hear someone gossiping or the next time you think you need to know what others are thinking just remind yourself that it actually does not matter. It does not matter. Let me repeat that again in case you didn't hear me the first two times: IT DOES NOT MATTER.

Treat yourself with love, kindness and compassion.

With love



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