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Belief - finding an inner knowing that allows you to believe in yourself, your dreams and aspirations and the belief in something bigger than what you are.  We can choose to believe in others so easily but when it comes to believing in ourselves it becomes tougher; self-doubt, being enough, knowing enough, fear; all of those thoughts come into play. Now more than ever you need to find your inner belief, your inner knowing and trust it.  Trust that nudging feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, trust your hearts desires and paths and trust your mind to help guide you to believing. Everything you need to know about yourself and about all of your choices and life is already within you; you just have to believe.  Believe in the magic and all of the gifts that will come along for you and with you. You are that magical gift, you are the belief in knowing of something greater than all. Belief comes from within you; give yourself permission to find it, hold it and never let ...

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