Find Your Peace

Peace - a feeling of calm, freedom from fear, a place of acceptance, love, appreciation and gratitude. 

Finding peace is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give to yourself and others. When you are at peace, those around you become peaceful. To find peace you need to be peace. 

Have you ever just looked around you or had a moment where everything looks and feels so peaceful? Like the snow trickling down from the evening sky, landing with grace as each snowflake appears and descends from the sky. Or the fog lifting from an early morning off of the lake, blissfully moving up towards the rising sun. Finding peace becomes more natural the more we seek it out. 

Peace can come in all forms, it isn't always defined by external things. I believe that the more peaceful we become inwards, the more peace starts to radiate around us and through us. When we find peace from within that sometimes means letting go of past demons, past history and stories we have told ourselves over and over again. It also means forgiveness; forgiving ourselves from things we've done and things others have done to us. 

When we are constantly in our fight or flight mode we are simply trying to protect ourselves from harm, protecting ourselves from being vulnerable and we protect ourselves from others. What if instead of us always ready to battle what if we became peaceful? 

We need peace in our lives. We need it to learn, we need it to create, we need it to thrive and we need it so we can be more meaningful in our lives. Finding our inner peace is where it all begins. Are you willing?


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