Your Attitude Sucks

Has anyone ever told you your attitude sucks? Have you noticed lately that you're not your normal self; you're stressing for unnecessary things to stress about, you're emotional, you cannot help but be mad most of the time? Perhaps you are blaming someone for something that isn't even about them, it's about you.  Today I have decided that my attitude stinks and there is no one else in the world but me who is responsible to change it.
Our society focuses so much on the negative and gives praise for negative things in our environment which intern makes it completely hard to be positive or happy about anything.  Money, sex, relationships, politics, work, friends, family, disease, poverty, homelessness, war.  It's all over the media 24/7 7 days a week.  No wonder why we are all miserable!

We constantly are focusing on what doesn't work in our lives instead of what does work.  What are you thankful for today, instead of what went wrong today.  When we are at work we constantly are complaining about what we need or what we are not getting from our managements or bosses.  We need to start focusing on the importance of our needs and wants at work and not just work but at home too.  Is it absurd that the dishes are in the sink drying? No it's not.

Let's stop taking life too seriously and start having more silliness in our lives.  Let that inner-child you have locked up come out and stay out.  Lay in bed an extra 10 minutes.  Sit at the dinner table after you're finished your meal.  Go play with your kids.  Spend a little extra money on yourself without feeling guilty. Take the time to assess yourself in the mirror and really find out what is going on with you.  No one else is responsible for how you're feeling but you.

Tonight when you lay in bed before you begin to fall asleep list three things you are thankful for that happened during today.  It's not asking much but once you start seeing what you're thankful for you'll start realizing you are a lot more thankful than just three things.  Make this your nightly routine.

Stay happy, be healthy, take responsibility for you.


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