Relationship Expectations

In the dating world and relationship world we are lucky enough if we come out alive.  Some of us come out scarred, broken, unhappy, while others come out fearless, stronger and willing to try again. But what happens after years of a relationship? Do we become stronger or do we become forgetful, careless, or disrespectful?

It takes some of us decades to find our better half's but when we become comfortable in ourselves and our relationship things begin to change. Perhaps we take each other for granted; maybe we figure our spouse will always pick up our messes.  Maybe we forget how to be kind to one another; when we fight or argue maybe we say things that hit them where it hurts.  Do you think we become selfish instead of selfless? Remember what we used to do for each other? When was the last time you did something for your spouse because you wanted to and because you knew it would make them happy instead of doing something because you had to? 

Love is a hard thing to find but even harder thing to keep.  It takes more work to keep the love and is way too easy to give up on love.  Importantly, we need to love ourselves in order to continue to love our partners.  We constantly need to work on our relationships but most of us don't.  We sit back and become settled with our current status.  It takes time and effort to spend time with our spouses without feeling like you're sacrificing time with your friends or yourself.  

Take a long good look at your relationship.  Coming from an insider what is it you see? Is your spouse happy, do they feel loved, are you making time to make them feel special? Do they make excuses to hang out with others to hang out with you? When was the last time you held hands or went on a date? Is your relationship with your spouse fun, fulfilling, special? Do you make time to laugh?

Ever wonder if our expectations in relationships are too high or perhaps have we lowered our standards in our current ones? 

"“When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.” 
― Donald Miller"


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