Say What You Feel, Mean What You Say

A lot of the times we all sugar coat everything because we are so wrapped up in what other people will think or say of us.  More than enough of  the times we say things that we don't always mean because we are too afraid to say what we actually feel.

I think that in order to be happy with ourselves and our feelings we need to not only be honest with whomever it is we are conversing with but most importantly we need to be honest with ourselves.  If you are feeling let down, angry, sad, misinterpreted or misled perhaps it isn't coming from the other person but perhaps it is coming from within ourselves.  Are we angry at the fact that we just spent three hours in a meeting with nothing accomplished or is it perhaps we are angry at ourselves for not sticking up for ourselves and saying what we really mean?

We cannot go about our worlds blaming other people about how we are feeling and how we aren't where we wanted to be.  The only person holding you back is you.  The only person not answering you is you.  The only person not feeling what we want to feel is you.  The only person not being honest with is yourself.

Try not to live in the expectations of what is expected.  You matter, your opinion is important, your feelings always need to be accounted for and you should never be silent for what you really feel or mean.

"Your silence will not protect you. "
-Audre Lorde


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