Saying No So I Can Say Yes
I got tired a long time ago about saying yes to all of the things that didn't serve me. I said yes to things that I truly didn't want to do or go or be. I said yes to please others. I said yes to make sure I wasn't upsetting someone else or hurting their feelings. I said yes because I thought I had to. Now? I say no.
I let go of the idea of saying yes. It was taking a toll on me and leaving me with no room for the things I really wanted. It left me tired, anxious, frustrated, angry, annoyed and hurt. It left me feeling lonely and unfulfilled. Saying no has allowed me to say yes to the things that I really desire and want. When I say no it opens up a new door and opportunity for me.
At first it was hard worrying what others thought, what my family, friends and co-workers thought. I'd apologize for saying no and give a reason why I couldn't go or do or be. I said it feeling guilty. I said no feeling like I was letting people around me down. I said no feeling ashamed. Why? Why did I choose to apologize for saying no to something that actually didn't serve me, fulfill me, uplift me or get me closer to my dreams. Why did I allow other peoples opinions bring me down? Why did I worry about letting other people down when the only true person I was letting down was myself?
Here I am now, saying no, unapologetically. You know what the best part of all of this is? I am doing things that really truly are good for me and my family. I have opened up doors and possibilities that I never would have if I kept saying yes for others. I am happier, I am more available to love and be loved. I am able to take care of my family and friends much better now that I can say no.
I really truly believe that our time is so valuable. We never really know how much of it we have left. The only thing guaranteed is now. Right now. So what are you going to say no to in order to say yes to something else?
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