Your Energy is Sacred
Have you ever noticed you left your house happy and came home miserable and couldn't really pinpoint what went wrong? Everything seemed fine, you woke up feeling grateful, you filled your belly up with good fuel and you even were taking the day to yourself. What could have possibly gotten in your way and what changed for you? Your energy has changed, shifted, and not for the better. Most times we don't realize what is happening around us until we really stop to think about our energy.
I am sure this has happened to most of you at different and perhaps multiple times throughout your lives where we have gone to meet up with a friend but our friend didn't have one ounce of happiness. In fact, your friend had now turned into a Debbie Downer. She was a ball of negativity that somehow had spewed directly onto you. Don't get me wrong, we all have those days where we need someone to vent to, but the difference here is that we don't take on and own energy that isn't ours.
Your energy is sacred. We tend to attract different energies every day, some of which are taken on by people, places and things. It is so important for you to protect your own energy but what is most important is for you to make sure the negative energies from others aren't disturbing and changing your own energy. It is draining just with our own energy let alone someone else on top of our own. We need to caution ourselves and notice what is happening before it becomes too much for you and you end up in a whirling tornado.
I have noticed lately that this happens to me. It is like a domino effect if one person is really happy then the people around them start to become happier as well. The moment you walk into a room and feel the negativity...RUN! Run far far away! It's not like you meant to steal someones energy for the sake of your own. It is critical in recognizing when you feel your energy start to shift and drain. OK, not always will you be able to run but the important part here is to recognize it when it happens!
Here are a few things I do regularly to help me stay focused on my own energy (yes - there are days I f*%^ up and take on energy that isn't my own, but who's perfect anyways?)
Himalayan salt lamps: they look beautiful and make me feel happy. Oh right, you're looking for scientific benefits! They purify and cleanse the air. The salt lamps absorb water and particles from the air taking in positive ions and when they are heated up they release cleansed water back into the air and expel negative ions (helps your lungs breathe better and when your lungs breathe better you are able to take deeper breaths and deep breaths help calm your soul!) Not to mention it is a beautiful ambiance.
Crystals: whether I am just holding one or surround my house with them they make me feel better. Each crystal has a meaning of its own but what I want you to take away from all of this is that YOUR crystal means what YOU need it to mean to YOU. Don't go out purchasing a crystal that is just for stress. Take the time to look around at all the crystals and whatever one you are attracted to that is YOUR crystal. Crystals have many healing properties from peace to strength to health benefits to protection!
Sage: sage the SHIT out of your house and yourself to help cleanse the air of negative vibes! Smells lovely and makes you feel like you have gotten rid of nasty negativity. Not only does it help rid of that but it also helps purify your air of junk you don't want - keeping viruses and bacteria at bay! Smudging can help with allergens, dispels negative energy and it can help improve your overall mood!
Meditation: I mean just saying the word meditation can just make me want to meditate! Always helps calm me emotionally, physically and spiritually! Even if you have never meditated before in your life it doesn't matter! All that matters is that you are somewhere quiet, you are breathing deeply and you are letting your thoughts come and go with no attachments. There are some great online guided meditations if you aren't sure!
Pranayama A.K.A breathing: sounds simple right? Except for we like to over complicate things so sometimes when people say just breathe you actually stop breathing and hold your breath! Deep breathing can help calm your fight or flight mode, lower stress, calm your central nervous system, bring you back to a peaceful state, increase your lung capacity - side note, did you know most people only breathe into their top two corners of their lungs? When you start to move your breath and deepen it you begin to breathe into all four corners of your lungs essentially expanding your life capacity!
YOGA: OK, yes that one is in big bold letters! For those of you who may not know me personally this is my life saver...this is what keeps me sane...this is what makes me ME! I have never felt better than when I take time on my mat for myself. For real though, this is WHY I teach yoga! I wanted to make others feel how I feel when I practice. Benefits ...right I knew you wanted those! Benefits to yoga are huge and here are some: to create muscle memory, helps strengthen and tone your body, stress relief, helps with weight loss, complete body weight training..basically yoga improves your overall health! Notice how the first thing I DIDN'T mention was improves flexibility? Most people thing that in order for them to practice yoga they need to be flexible. WRONG! Yoga helps improve your flexibility but you don't need to touch your toes.
Read: nothing like sitting in a quiet serene place with a good book! I love reading in fact I have started my own personal library of books! I like to read things with motivation...yes the books are in the self-help section but self-help isn't a bad thing it just means you actually care enough about yourself to BE better.
So back to protecting your energy....your energy is yours and yours alone. It doesn't belong to your spouse, your co-workers or your boss it simply belongs to you. How you protect it and how to maintain it is up to you!
The next time you feel your energy going funky remember that protection is important.
Have a wonderful fabulous day!
With love,
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