12 Days of Giveaway's
12 Day's of Giveaway's!
The season of giving has been taken to an all new level when it comes to the 12 day's of giveaway's! People, small businesses, big box stores; you name it they're gifting it! Who doesn't love the idea of winning something at this time of year let alone all 12 gifts? I get that Christmas has taken on an entire new meaning over the last decade or so but this is a true reminder of what really matters at the end of the day.
Here are my 12 Day's of Giveaway's to you:
1) The gift of love. Love is something that should be given for only the reason of giving. With no expectation of having something in return. It should have no consequences or any kind of conditions. Loving someone and others can go a long way. Let your love last. Love wholeheartedly and most importantly love yourself.
2) The gift of kindness. Being kind to yourself and others. Hold the door open for someone, say thank you, smile and wave, but always be thinking of the word kindness. Your gift of kindness can go a long way. It is like a rippling effect, the more kind you are to others the more kindness you invite into your hearts.
3) The gift of laughter. Don't take life so seriously all the time! Laugh like you mean it, spend time with those who remind you to laugh. Bask in the lightness of laughter as it enters in through your souls. Laugh like you did when you were a kid, you know, that bellyaching face hurting kind of laughter!
4) The gift of happiness. You truly are the only person in charge of your happiness; no one can take that away from you. Do things this holiday season that truly make you happy. The more you surround yourself with happy people the more happier you will become.
5) The gift of simplicity. Why do we feel the need to complicate everything? Take it down a notch and go with simple. A simple and easy dinner with your friends and family. Let go of the idea of hidden agenda's and hectic scheduling. Just find the simplicity in your holiday.
6) The gift of forgiveness. This is truly a hard gift to give sometimes but incredibly important. Forgiving yourself and letting go of all those things you have been holding onto for the last decade or longer. Forgive yourself, you are allowed to make mistakes, you are only human. Forgiving others; forgive those whom have hurt you and let go of all of that heartache. Forgive.
7) The gift of freedom. Our country, our ability to vote, your voice. We are so lucky to live in a place where we can be free. Free yourself of your past, letting go of all of what happened in your life that no longer serves value or purpose into your current life. Free yourself of all your negative thoughts and emotions.
8) The gift of time. Spend it wisely, we have limited time always. Time is constantly moving forward and we tend to stay stuck. Use your time with value and spend your time with people whom matter to you most.
9) The gift of play. When was the last time you played a little while? Find your inner child and find your piece of playfulness. Use your imagination like you used to when you were a child. Be that 5 year old girl or boy who pretended and played all afternoon.
10) The gift of friendship. True friends are rare and hard to find. When you find one, cherish it. Love it and bask in the glory of finding a friend who matters to you. Hang out with your friends, spend quality time laughing and being present with one another.
11) The gift of belief. Believe like you used to when you were a kid. Believe within your heart and your head. Stop being negative, stop letting your past and disbelief get in your way. Start to really believe in the things you want and attract into your life.
12) The gift of peace. Find some inner peace, some stillness, some quiet within. Close out the world for a few moments, few hours or an entire day. Breathe in your peace letting it submerge your entire body, letting go. Spread your peace unto others.
May this holiday season be this and more for you all. I wish you all nothing but lightness, laughter, love and happiness!
Merry Christmas and Namaste
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