You matter-You ARE worth it

No matter how you feel when you wake up in the morning, no matter which direction your day went, no matter how little or big you have financially, no matter where you live or don't, no matter how old or young you are, no matter how big or little you live, no matter what job you have or how hard you work, at the end of the day you matter. 
There are many days we create self-doubt. We start to question our abilities. People begin to question your abilities and interim you begin to start questioning yourself. No one should ever be taken advantage of, no one should feel like their questions or opinions do not matter, no one should feel that they don't exist in an existent world.  We all matter. No matter what happens in your daily life you matter most.  You know what is best for you.

It is quite often people get taken advantage of.  We start to believe that we are worth less than what we are.  We loose our reasons in our life because of these things.  I know you work hard. We all do.  We all have shit going on in our personal lives.  Who doesn't? But at the end of the day when we start to question our own abilities as a parent, a teacher, a caregiver, a friend, a spouse, an employee...whatever the case may be that you are starting to question STOP.

Take a moment and think long and hard about how awesome you are.  You bring a unique presence to this world. You have so much to offer and an abundance to give. Your opinion matters.  You matter to those in your life. If you start to have these seeds of doubt planted into your mind or perhaps planted by someone else maybe it is time to reconsider whom you surround  yourself with.

People in your life should bring you up, not knock you down.  They should love and support you, not judge and only take things from you.  They should appreciate your guidance and advice, not pretend like your opinions don't matter.

You matter. You are worth every single penny.  Never underestimate the power you have within you.

Sincerely yours,



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