Remind Me

There is going to be times when people and things disappoint you.  There is going to be tears, there is going to be anger and there is going to be times when you feel really alone.  You'll find that people around you have changed and are no longer part of your life like they were before.  There is going to be hardships.  Times when you thought that the world had your back but suddenly it changed.  There is always going to be times when you feel like you simply can't just get it right.  The thing is, if there wasn't any of these times and everything was easy then what would our lessons be to ourselves? How would we grow and who would we become?
Life isn't supposed to be easy and we aren't always supposed to get what we want.  We all have these expectations for our individual lives, we all have these things we want to have or get accomplished but when we have these road barriers it helps us to really think about our true desires and what exactly it is that we are after.

The universe listens but only if you're listening and putting out the positive vibrations.  I don't mean hey I want a million dollars and two days later you have two million in the bank.  I mean what is it you truly desire out of your life? For me it is simple. Do things that you love.  Do things that make you feel good I mean really good.  Surround yourself with people who matter to you and you matter to them.  Eat healthy, laugh often and treat yourself with love.  When you do this and you are happy everything else falls into place.

Suddenly you find yourself wanting a career change and the fire underneath you has spread so fast throughout your body you can feel this vibrational pull.  A pull that is so strong that no matter how much more you think about the more you are pulled and the more you attract.  You want it so badly that you can taste it, feel it, breathe it and suddenly you are living it.  It's here and the more you put out to the world the more that suddenly comes back.  Not everyone you meet or everything that comes to your direction will suit you.  It is merely a test from the universe asking you if you've veered off track from what it is you truly desired or if suddenly your mind has shifted and so has your path.

So remember this.  When those times are tough, when you think nothing is going right, surround yourself with all your desires, wants and needs and watch the magic happen.  Watch your shift begin.


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