Vulnerable: completely stripped down, raw, unguarded, fueled, energized, beautiful, loved, accepting, as is. Walls down, pure and what you see is what you get. The emotional being washing over our entire bodies with laughter, fear, tears, joy, commitment, anger and sadness. My definition of vulnerable is simply that. Being exactly who you are with no expectations just you in your raw format. I believe that to be vulnerable allows us to really discover who we are emotionally, physically and spiritually. If we never feel vulnerable are we ever learning or growing? It takes years to build up walls around us and decades to find barriers to keep us safe. But what is that really keeping us safe from? Is it truly keeping us safe from ourselves or from others? When we create this space around us we are sending vibes out to the universe of things we do not want. We are telling the universe and people around us that we need protecting and we need to be safe. What is magical about the word vulnerable and what it means to be vulnerable is that if we let our guards down and allow ourselves to completely feel vulnerable it is then that we find out who we really are and it is there in that space that we start to feel more of a connection with a higher purpose.
Finding your purpose may sound too complicated and maybe you don't want to find your purpose or maybe even you don't think that you have a purpose but everyone (yes you) everyone, has a purpose in life and a gift to offer. Vulnerable in all aspects is scary yes, but it is raw and beautiful and something that we all need to be at some point or another. Take that definition society gives you about the word vulnerable and create your mindset around how beautiful it truly is.
We learn and grow as human beings all of the time. The world is constantly giving us lessons and allowing us to choose which direction we are headed. It is up to you to listen to those signs and let your guard down just for once because finding and discovering who you are during that time can be one of the most greatest gifts you can ever offer to yourself.
I invite you to find that space and find some peace within it.
This touched me, not only for the beautiful writing but because being vulnerable is very new to me. It is so foreign but at the same time strengthening. Change only happens when we take a good look at ourselves and step outside our comfort zones. Xo