A Silenced Place

Most often we take silence as a signal that there is something wrong.  When a room that used to be filled with laughter, noise and busyness has somehow turned into a complete silenced space we tend to freak out and our minds start to question our surroundings.  Silence is not the problem; it is gift.

When the room begins to quiet our minds begin to race.  Take that time as an opportunity to reflect on your mind.  Your mind is a wonderful place.  A place with experience, a place with hope and a place full of opportunity.  How often do you sit silently and listen to your own thoughts uninterrupted?

Now is your time to dig deep into your mind to evaluate any opportunity.  Whether it is how your day is going, perhaps how you've been treating others, or even something more significant.  That time is valued and the space is limitless.  If we each took the opportunity of silence to ease our compacted minds perhaps then we would become more peaceful.  We would learn more about ourselves.  We would feel more connected to each other.

Silence is not a place you want to encourage disruption.  It is a path that may lead you to new discoveries.  It is a time to reflect on ourselves and how we can improve ourselves, relationships and possibilities.  Embrace silence.


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