New Year, New Intentions

At the beginning of every year we all begin the same way full of motivation to start new goals and accomplish new things.  We put so much stress on ourselves with these goals that we create and we end up working so hard that we end up missing the point of the goal.  We start to regret our goals and end up resenting them.  The purpose of that goal was to make our lives a little more easier, a little more happier and a little less stress free. This year I have decided not to set any goals.  I do not want to stress out about my goals, I want to trust in my process.  I do not want to resent myself for not accomplishing these goals, I want to be happy with myself.  I do not want to utilize the word goal at all.  Instead, this year I want to set intentions.  The word intention actually means an aim or a plan. 

Trusting in yourself and the process can be very difficult but we have to start somewhere.  The universe always seems to give us exactly what we need at exactly the right time.  She gives us opportunities that we currently need in our lives so setting a simple intention will go a long way.  Ask yourself what exactly it is that you intend on doing this year.  Maybe it is something work related, maybe something family oriented, maybe it is personal, or perhaps it is a bit of all of those things. 

Create your own version of a vision board.  Put it somewhere you will see it a few times a day.  It doesn't have to be fancy and it certainly doesn't have to be perfect.  Pick out three things that you want this year and then from there figure out what/who/how you will get there.  For example, one of my intentions this year is to be happier/worry less/stress free.  Surrounding those bold words I then wrote down the first things that came to mind to make me happier/worry less/stress free.  Yoga, writing more, more family time, vacations, road trips, financial freedom, me time, my relationship with my spouse; you get the point!

Remember, these intentions are not anyone else's version, they are simply your own.  They are not what you think others think you need to work on, they are what you believe.  They can be as big or as small as you want.  What are you going to do about your life in 2017?

As always, we all want to feel a little better, live a little happier and breathe a little easier. 


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